John Paul Mulligan John Paul Mulligan

New Roller XY Installation

It all begins with an idea.

Very excited to announce the installation of our new M1 Ultimate XY cutting machine for roller blind fabric. It took all the boys and a lot of hard work to get the job done!

The M1 Ultimate is an automatic XY cutting machine with ultrasonic, crush cut, and pressurized rotary knife with glass surface.

The M1 Ultimate is an automatic cutting table that cuts on all four sides, avoiding the need to turn and handle the fabric during the cutting process. The M1 Ultimate can be equipped with multiple cutting tools: ultrasonic, crush cut and rotary knife.  It is possible to choose a different cutting tool to cut each side of the fabric. There are 2 pressure bars, one on the X axis and the other on Y axis, to hold the fabric in place during the cutting process in both directions.

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